We hope everyone had a grand time during the holidays relaxing and visiting family and friends.

The trails have been patiently waiting for us to return to them.  We will be building a final water bar on the road leading down to the Salado Canyon Trestle, plus some other maintenance, including brush work on the rail bed below the trestle. Be sure to bring your own drinking water, sun protection, work gloves and sturdy boots. All tools will be provided. We plan to work until Noon. There’s work for all skill levels.

Meet at 10 am at the Salado Canyon Trail Head; work until noon.

Note the new start time…10am.  Even thought it is supposed to be a balmy that day… 50 deg(?), we decided to start a little later than usual.  We will still quit about noon or so.

DIRECTIONS TO SALADO CANYON RAIL TRAIL TRAILHEAD: From Hwy 82 in High Rolls, turn North at the High Rolls Store onto Cherry Blossom Lane for ~0.2 mi then West (left) at the stop sign onto Cottage Row. Drive 0.45 mi and turn North (R) onto Fresnal Canyon Rd.  Follow Fresnal Canyon Rd downhill approximately 2.1 miles to the Trailhead…”where the power lines cross the road.”

Thank you for your participation.